After what seemed like ages of trying to catch the Violent Affair in a local show, my window of opportunity, had arrived. They were now performing locally(in OKC) with the Dirty Mugs(Tulsa) and The Street Dogs, (Boston Mass.)at the Conservatory on May 21. Finally, after all the crappy youtube videos, and band page surfing, I would finally get to see Oklahoma citys famous hardcore punk band, with an exciting ,original band from Tulsa, the Dirty Mugs. Once I searched the Street Dogs, I was even more excited about the evening.
I arrived early and waited outside with a small crowd of faithful fans. I had my digital camera and video cam in a bag, and was asked if I was "media." I said not really just a fan too. Show time started and the Conservatory front door opened and I was the first in the door, headed straight to the Violent Affair table to snag a black n red logo Tee Shirt, then promply claimed my spot in front of the stage. V.A was opening.
One by one Brian, Dom,Zach,jesse and Ryan took the Stage, for sound check. The crowd wore V.A. t shirts and sported mohawks of biblical proportions, and were pierced ,studded and tattooed appropriately for this evening. I was not. I just had a black camera bag an blue jeans. "ANYHOO", the show began with much screaming jumping and bass thumping, and a frenzy of mosh pit ,slamming, and fist pumping! This band was on fire on the first song, no warm up needed! Powering thru the 2010 album (Stand Trial.Unrepentant records) songs, mixed with new ones from their Latest album, A Call To Arms/ Jailhouse reocords. 2012.
I feel Their set was energetic and brutally refreshing. This is punk music, by a punk band with an "in your face delivery of anti socialistic angst, and anger delivered with a sadistic grin. Next time you hear the name Violent Affair, or see it on a flyer, make a point to see their live show, better yet, be apart of their live show, it's easy, just let your inner child say "FUCK IT!."
This was first time seeing the The Dirty Mugs also. They were not "dirty", but well groomed, and had vests on ,slacks and hardsoled shoes on, AND gypsy like ladies with tambourines on each end of the stage. They have an early century, rustic, traveling band look to them I thought. Their sound was like Irish folk/pub style with a healthy dose of modern american songwriting. Though the delivery was different ,This was foot stomping, screaming ,fist pumping , accordion cranking, punk music! You had a feeling you were watching a celebration of comrades and family, each song deliverd with heart and vitality! Don't let their vagabond persona fool you, They will have you jumping ,stomping and raging, hardcore very early in their set!
The Street Dogs, were loud and raucous, seasoned entertainers, that really drew the crowd into their world , and onto their stage at times. The packed front stage floor was a cyclone of bodies,and swinging bodyparts. They set up each song with a witty story and a bit of humor, then hell on drums, strings and vocals would follow. My first time seeing them live actually wore me out. lol. I was literally beaten,kicked and elbowed ,braving the mosh pits to get the photos and video of the bands. I was even KNOCKED DOWN by the lead singer of Street Dogs, as he ran about the club during their set. I left after their 2 angry kids song, exhausted , ears ringing and headache throbbing. Which pretty much means , I HAD A BLAST!!!!
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